Mercedes Engine Timing Chain Riveting Tool Set Simplex Duplex & Double-Roller
Essential tool for timing chain work on Mercedes Benz 1.7D, 2.1D, 2.2D, 2.7D, 3.0D, 3.2D, 3.9D and 4.0D CDi diesel engines.
May also be used on some Chrysler / Jeep 2.2D, 2.7D and 3.0D CRD diesel engines.
For Timing Chain on Mercedes Petrol and Diesel engines.
The separating tool and the riveting tool allow quick, easy and safe splitting and re-connecting of the timing chains - both simplex and duplex - as well as the double-roller to be found on new Mercedes diesel from 9/95 onwards. On such chain, the timing chain pin is peened.
Merdedes Model / Engine: 615, 616, 617, M102, 103, 116 and 271, 272, 273, 274, 276 SAAB and BMW
• Pressing spindle with clipping punch
• Riveting base tool with spindle
• Mounting guide bead
• Mounting thrust piece
• Mounting guide link
• Guide bead for duplex timing chains
• Pressure piece double chains
• Mounting link 4,4 for duplex chains